Maria r.

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New York, New York, United States

Über Maria r.

41 Jahre alt | Digital entrepreneur, writing coach

Hi, I'm Maria. I am a digital entrepreneur, writing coach, and a great animal lover! I love taking care of animals, I get along exceptionally well with dogs and cats, always create such a wonderful connection with them, and they love me back. Because I work remotely, I spend most of my day at home, so your sweet fur babies will rarely be alone! I've pet sat large and small dogs with different personalities, feisty yorkies and regal golden retrievers, and once took care of a special needs pug girl (she was completely blind and so, so sweet, we loved each others company and had very nice walks in the park). I live in New York City, and I'm an avid world traveller. I have been to FL, MA, IL, CA, AZ, England, Germany, Greece, Mexico, Russia, and different places in the Caribbean. I once cat sat in Munich enjoying the company of two very curious Greek cats who relocated to Bavaria. I've been house-sitting for 2 years now and have met wonderful people and made good friends. I used to have a Siamese cat myself. I don't have pets now, but it's a real pleasure looking after other people's animals!

I really enjoy house sitting and exploring new places. I'm a very friendly and open person, I love to make new friends. I'm mature, responsible, tidy, and reliable. I will always take great care of your precious pets and your home. As a digital nomad I love exploring different cities and countries, and am grateful to have a quiet place to stay and work on my computer while traveling. Animals keep me good company and I always have such wonderful time taking care of them.

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