Susanne r.

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TR, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Über Susanne r.

34 Jahre alt | PhD Student

My name is Susanne and I start my PhD studies in English Literature & Creative Writing
in April 2021 in the UK. As I work mainly from my laptop, I have a lot of time to look after your home, and to take good care of any pets and plants you might have.

I absolutely adore animals, I grew up with cats and walking my best friend's German shepherd.
Unfortunately I can't have any pets at my current place, but I immensely enjoy caring for my friends and family's pets instead. The unconditional love animals can bring into our lives is quite unique. Helping my grandfather take care of his house and garden has taught me the quiet joy of gardening, and properly looking after everything. I am a non-smoker, genuinely enjoy hiking and time in nature, as well as relaxing evenings with a good book or a film.

I love the quiet side of traveling, discovering new places, and meeting new people. Currently I am very flexible with my time, and I would enjoy the opportunity to take care of your home for you.
I am a dependable, caring, and honest person, will keep your home clean and tidy, and can keep you updated so you can thoroughly enjoy your holidays.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Christel, 59 Jahre alt, Teacher, Elternteil

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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