Madeleine m.

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Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland

Über Madeleine m.

60 Jahre alt | Ayurveda practitioner/bio farmer/yoga therapist

My Swiss husband and I (Australian/Swiss) love travel and have been involved in numerous and diverse fields of activity (eg law, music, bio farming, home renovation, house and hotel maintenance and management, restaurants, yoga and meditation, ayurveda etc).

Madeleine, previously a lawyer, as well as a bio farmer, founded and continues to operate YogaTherapyAustralia, a therapist training and seminar organisation. Beat is a professional musician, favouring modern fusion and avant-garde jazz and enjoys renovation work.

We have both enjoyed animals as part of our life (dogs and cats, horses and chooks) and delight their company.

We enjoy clean healthy food (mostly veg and bio as possible) living simply and peacefully in a clean and natural environment. However, we also enjoy meeting new people, and receiving new ideas, and are not averse to sits in towns or cities with easy access to nature.

We thrive on fresh air, clean water, tranquility, great music, like-mindedness, conviviality, and a healthy happy lifestyle.

Between us we speak English, German a little Spanish and Italian.

We are currently are looking for a base, where we can help out with whatever tasks may be required of us, but also where we may continue to work on our own pursuits (music and writing).

We are home owners ourselves and know how to care well for home, land and animals. We are super responsible and reliable, (

We are new to house sitting forums but have cared for many houses owned by friends and colleagues. References are available on request.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
BEAT, 60 Jahre alt, MUSICIAN/HANDYMAN, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

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