Ivany d.

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São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil

Über Ivany d.

69 Jahre alt | clerk

I am an older-than-average travellers with a young outlook on life and a great sense of fun.
Currently looking for a new hosts to start my 2021 travels and so on – happy to consider long-term placements – please drop me an email if you think I might fit your needs
I'm a Brazilian citizen. and still had not time to find out about my ancestors, not yet
Most of my life worked as an office clerk and now that I am retired I would like to be useful anywhere in the world.
Back in the 80's I went to Europe with my two sons (they live in Japan now) and we manage to stay in that continent for 11 years
That Experience gave me a chance to discover my potential for languages, right now I am fluent in English and Spanish .
I am widower, a non-smoker and a non-drinker. mainly because I enjoy meeting and getting to know people of different cultures.I have a willingness to develop new skills as I travel . I am keen to try new foods or any local cultural activities that are new to me.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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