Emily p.

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Kempten, Bavaria, Germany

Über Emily p.

27 Jahre alt | Student of Mechanical Engineering

I'm originally from Germany, studied Mechanical Engineering for Underwater Robots in Florida, and started traveling since then from April 2020. I don't really feel like being German, I prefer to live and work somewhere else, at a new place I haven't seen before. After living in different countries so far my goal for this year is to start my Masters' degree in October and to enjoy the last months of freedom. Teaching German online and doing freelancing work allows me to appreciate more flexible travel possibilities.
I'm a very open, communicative, and joyful person that loves to spend time with friends and meeting new people. My interests are wide, in sports, I've done rowing, karate, diving, athletics so far, I play Saxophone and Ukulele and I'm a full heart sailor and crewmember on different Traditional Sailing Vessels.

Also, feel free to check out my Couchsurfing profile to see my last travels and recommendations.

I was lucky to get the chance to do housesitting at two apartments for around a month each in Warsaw. Both places were incredibly special with lots of space and a great atmosphere. Following tasks and responsibilities have been included:
- cleaning
- watering plants indoor and outdoor
- looking after a cat
- receiving mail and post boxes

till April 2020: Florida
May: Germany
June: Belarus
July/August: Turkey
September: Macedonia
Oktober/November: Poland
November: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia
December/January 2021: Poland

Next plans 2021: North Africa -> Egypt, Tunesia, Morocco

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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