Lucas b.

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Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Über Lucas b.

33 Jahre alt | Musician


We are Lucas & Lucia, a couple, 30 and 29 years old. We are both from wonderful Barcelona, Spain. I am a professional musician, singer, graduate from Berklee College of Music in Boston, and Lucia is an EFL teacher with a master's degree. She is also an aspiring actress.
We both love animals and nature to the extreme. If I ever watch television, is to watch David Attenborough's series, I truly love his job, and if it wasn't for music, i'm pretty sure I would be doing something with animals. I was a professional horse rider for 10 years, so my connection with animals, especially horses and dogs, is with me since a very young age. In my family there has always been a dog since the day i was born. I guess all that put together triggered my passion for animals. My mom never wanted cats, but finally after many years, we have 2 cats!!! I absolutely love cats. We have now two wonderful British shorthair.
City life got us a little bored, and we like tropical islands. We are looking to move to a caribbean island, specifically Grenada at this point, and for us it would be more than a pleasure to take care of virtually any pet that you might have. As we are looking to settle for a long period, it would be very comforting for us to know that we can stay for at least 6 months or more, while we adapt and get to know the island.
I am confident 200% that your pets won't be in better hands than ours, and we will be very grateful for your trust and letting us take care of your home. We are both super laid back and friendly people, honestly, I know it can sound a bit strange to say that of oneself, but it's true, lol.- We just want to relax, enjoy life and meet wonderful people, while working on our careers.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!!!

with love,

Lucas & Lucia

pd. Lucas is super neat to the point that he can become maniacal with it, so your home will be at all times in outstanding clean and organized condition.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Lucia, 33 Jahre alt, Teacher, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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