Miloš and jelena

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NS, Vojvodina, Serbia

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Miloš and jelena

32 Jahre alt | Economist

Hey there and welcome to our profile!

Jelena (27) and Milos (29) are a young couple from Novi Sad, Serbia who love to travel. Previously we were able to travel only during our vacations, however things have changed.
Jelena is a student in her last year and Milos works from home full time! It allows us to reach our goals from any location around the globe as long as we have internet connection.

Now, why housesitting? Recently we had few experiences looking after our friend’s dog. We really enjoyed the time spent like that. Also, we had some informal housesits at our relative’s houses and apartments, as we were the go to option with our flexibility of working and studying from home.

We have great plans for the future, but we’d love to spend some more time travelling around the globe before settling down.

Understanding how important it is for house and pet owners to have their house tidy and their pet’s needs fulfilled while away, we felt like this is a win-win situation for our lifestyle!

Jelena is a veterinary technician, studying phytomedicine in the Faculty of Agriculture as she is all about nature and animals. Milos is sometimes a little bit jealous how animals love her! Jokes aside, Milos also enjoys taking long walks in nature, as he spends a lot of time in front of the computer working in finance departments of various US based companies.

Your pets, gardens and flowers are in safe hands with us!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jelena, 30 Jahre alt, Veterinary Technician, Ehepartner / Partner

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