Bethan b.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Bethan b.

44 Jahre alt | Writer, Therapist & Meditation Teacher | Allein

HI - BONJOUR - HALLO - OLA. Conscientious, Caring Animal-Lover, 40s, Female.

I had a feisty Tortoiseshell cat for 15 yrs. I'm well-versed in everything from ear rubs to surreptitious pill-feeding.

I've looked after many pets before, including dogs, cats, and rabbits. I've looked after many different breeds from gundogs to terriers. I love all animals and will truly make the effort to ensure your pet feels relaxed, loved, and happy while you're away.

I ran 4-bed house-shares for 14 yrs as Head Tenant, so I can run big homes and fix things. I've always had a garden and have tended yards, lawns, trees, and a few veggies.

I am happy to deal with anything you usually would at home, like bins and mail. I am tidy and respectful of others' property and try to leave homes sparkling clean for your return. I'm organised and can follow instructions. I am calm and quick-thinking in emergencies.

I'm self-employed and work online. I have been Chair of a charity and have a clean police check.

I am English and can communicate in French and German, and pick up other languages easily (I know enough Spanish to get by and a little Greek too). I have lived abroad before (Berlin) and travelled extensively. My hobbies are yoga, reading, music, and walking. I'm single and enjoy independent travel.

Requirements: Decent internet, outside space/garden, and "relative" quiet (I record meditations). I don't drive, so need a food shop or bus stop within 4km. Otherwise, I'm very self-sufficient and a positive, happy soul. Stays from 1 week to 4 weeks.

I'm flexible with dates and I can provide references from previous pet-sits. Watch my petsitting samples here: See my 5-star reviews here:

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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Dezember 2021

Personne de confiance et aimes beaucoup les animaux et très facile à vivre je recommande

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