Eva t.

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Dilbeek, Flanders, Belgium


Über Eva t.

31 Jahre alt | Civil cervant for the Belgian federal government

Hi, I am a 28 years old and love to make life a bit more exciting by leaving my appartement and changing my daily environment from time to time , as I only need wifi to work since last September. I have a big heart for animals but I don't have any pet friends myself because I am moving around too often. I look forward to take care of your cats/dogs/horses/chickens/ ... while you are away, and you can count on me to keep your place clean and safe. My boyfriend lives in Ghent but he would sometimes accompany me if you are okay with that. Looking forward to connect and have a videocall to get to know each others expectations a little bit better for possible house- and petsitting arrangements!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Isaiah, 28 Jahre alt, Market researcher, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Chinesisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Brussels, Belgium - Juli 2021

Eva took great care of our cat - in fact, he has never been this relaxed when we came back. She also reliably watered the many plants in a very hot time of the year. Communication was easy and to the point. In short, everything went well and we can really recommend Eva to others looking for a committed house-sitter!

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