Kathrin h.

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Bristol, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Kathrin h.

28 Jahre alt | Researcher and Writer | Allein

My name is Kathrin, I am 27 years old, and a bilingual dual-citizen of Austria and England, currently working remotely as a Researcher and Writer for an NGO. I have experience housesitting cats and dogs in Spain, Italy and Germany. I have testimonials/references for each housesit that I am happy to provide (I used other housesitting websites for these assignments, this is my first time using Nomador).

I love to travel, live and work in different places across the globe. I worked in Shanghai for the US China Coalition for Clean Energy, worked as a Carer in Chicago and I lived in different places all across Australia on a work and holiday visa. During this time I worked for a Member of Parliament, an NGO to help Carers and as a waitress.

My love for animals began when I grew up on a farm surrounded by animals (lots of dogs, cats, chickens, pigs and cows). My dream is to one day own an animal shelter for stray, lost or abandoned animals. I’ve regularly volunteered at animal shelters for many years so I believe I can work with all different kinds of animals.

I am also huge lover of nature, I love hiking and camping and most recently I spent 3 months hiking alone in New Zealand and Indonesia.

I completed my Masters in International Politics and Anthropology May 2021 at the University of Edinburgh. which I completed part-time whilst working as a Researcher for an NGO. Choosing to study these subjects all about different people and societies across the globe, reflects my passion for learning from differing cultures, languages and ways of life.

Having grown up in a bilingual household, I speak fluent German, English, basic Spanish, Mandarin and sign-language and I love learning new languages.

I would also appreciate the opportunity to have a peaceful time to be able to read, work on a book I am writing and given my background in anthropology this will be an invaluable opportunity for me to immerse myself into a different cultures across the globe!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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