Maria N.

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Helsinki, Uusimaa, Finland

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Maria N.

38 Jahre alt | Coordinator | Allein

I'm in my mid-30's and Finnish. I'm an Anthropologist by education and love to explore and experience everyday life in different cultures. I believe housesitting is one of the best ways to do that as through that, you can achieve a deeper understanding of the local culture and way of life than you could through commercial accommodation.

I currently work as a communications specialist in the NGO that coordinates accommodation in local homes for refugees arriving in Finland. I’m able to work remotely, which makes it very convenient to combine traveling with work.

I love cats more than anything, but I'm also no stranger to dogs and farm animals, as I had a dog and many sheep while growing up in the Finnish countryside. I have a cabin in the woods in Finland, where I spend most of my summers, so I'm used to living off the grid.

I'm interested in reading, yoga, writing, meditation, gardening, healthy cooking, and nature. I dream of becoming fully fluent in Spanish, and I cannot think of a better way to get there than spending an extended period of time in Spain.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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