Viola s.

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Horishni Plavni, Poltava Oblast, Ukraine

Über Viola s.

41 Jahre alt | Private bisnes

Hello! Young couple from ukraine. I am 37 years old, private business in trade. Egor is 38 years old, a private business in construction. Our daughter is 10 years old. She loves to walk and play with our dog. We live in a private house, we love to create beauty and cleanliness in the house and around. We have 2 dogs, there was a cat and a parrot. There are experiences with rats and birds.
We love to travel by car to new countries, meet nice people, share experiences and just love the sea and the mountains. We have already visited Turkey, Gruce, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Hungary
I love to take care of flowers in the house and garden.
Our family is independent, self-sufficient and tidy!

We love to travel comfortably to different countries for a maximum of 7- 20 days. This time I would like to combine the trip with taking care of the house and your pets. We will consider your offer for any time of the year.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Egor, 42 Jahre alt, Private biseness, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Russisch

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