Judy A.

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Temecula, California, United States

Über Judy A.

59 Jahre alt | Retired | Als Paar/Duo

We are a non-smoking retired, long-term, happily married couple (38 years) from Temecula, California and Vero Beach, Florida, we live 6 months in California and 6 months in Florida. We have held responsible long-term careers as Managers. We are a prior military, no drugs and we rarely drink except for an occasional glass of wine or a beer. She is fluent in English and Spanish and he is fluent in English and Portuguese.

Our future plans are to travel the world while meeting great people and animals along the way. We love animals and have always had dogs as part of our family throughout our life together.

Ten reasons why we are the perfect match for you and your pet:

**we can forward link to our 5 star reviews on TrustedHousitters.

Volunteer - Humane Society, we have fostered a total of 44 puppies, dogs, and kittens.
Background checked - Criminal record check completed.
Flexible - We are not rigid, we welcome change.
Calm - We are both calm, collective individuals.
Sensitive - Having cared for animals throughout the years, we try to anticipate their needs and are sensitive to the subtle ways in which they communicate.
Trustworthy - We have owned many houses and had the pleasure of caring for many pets throughout the years, you can rest assured we will keep your home and pet safe and secure.
Experienced - We have cared for animals for over 30 years.
Consistent - We welcome consistency and understand the importance of keeping your pets on their regular routines.
Reliable - Once we make a commitment, you can rest assured that we will follow through. We take our responsibilities seriously, we will strive to ensure your pets are safe and well cared for.
Handyman - my husband is an Electrician by trade, and held an Operations Manager position at 2 hospitals concurrently, he is knowledgeable and skilled at a wide range of repairs, maintenance, and pool care.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Manuel, 62 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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