Priscilla a.

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Saint Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Reunion

Über Priscilla a.

38 Jahre alt | ergothérapeute

Hello everyone,
My name is Priscilla, I have experienced life for 35 years. I have used my energy a lot in my work. I am an occupational therapist for children, adults and the elderly, disabled or in psychological difficulties. In my workshops I practiced zootherapy with dogs, cats, NAC animals, a little with farm animals (not horses). It was an amazing experience. Today I want to travel. And I think Nomador is an opportunity to be of service while traveling. This is based on a principle of trust and sharing, so I am delighted. It reveals the humanity in each of us. Since I was working a lot, I preferred not to have any pets at home anymore because I didn't have time to take care of them. So I preferred to pet-sitter and keep animals during my vacations and weekends with families in need. It was a great experience.
For all these reasons I think I have the qualities to take care of your dear animals, to watch over them, and to keep your accommodation clean and safe. I am attentive, very respectful of people, I am rigorous in my work.
If these qualities meet your expectations for the good of your animals, I would be happy to meet you.
See you soon ;-)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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