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New South Wales, Australia

Über Sophie

48 Jahre alt | ecrivain | Allein

Throughout my life, I have always been surrounded by a variety of animals, including dogs and cats, puppies and kittens, sheep and hens, and ducks. I have experience with dogs of all sizes, from large breeds like Viszla, German Shepherds, and Collies to smaller breeds like Bulldogs and teacup dogs. I have even raised puppies and provided them with nursing bottles and taught them tricks. My sister is a dog behaviorist, and we often discuss animal behavior and how to create the best human-animal experiences.

I have a special connection with animals and am attentive to their needs and well-being. I treat them as equals and am always concerned about their happiness and comfort. I am an Australian resident and have been primarily based in the Sydney area since 2015. I am a French writer in my late 40s, a vegetarian, and I grew up in the countryside near farms. I have been a house sitter in many places throughout my life, not just through websites, but also through other means. Most recently, I have house sat in Greece and France, and I have references in Australia.

I enjoy changing my environment when I write and find house sitting to be a stimulating and inspiring way to meet new animals and individuals. I meditate, walk, do yoga, run, read, and write. I eat healthily and enjoy cooking. I rarely watch TV, only choosing carefully selected films, and usually do not wear shoes inside homes. I am very respectful of the space I am given and take my responsibilities seriously. I do not drink alcohol, but I may occasionally have one or two glasses of red wine with dinner. I have never smoked or used any drugs in my life.

Spending time with animals brings me joy, and I love cuddling, walking, and playing with them. I am a simple person who lives a healthy lifestyle and enjoys walks, swims, and yoga. I have always sought the company of animals from all sorts of environments, including farm animals, ocean animals like whales, dolphins, and mantas, and of course, dogs and cats. I am dedicated to the environment and self-growth and enjoy taking care of those around me. I am autonomous and accustomed to all types of housework, including caring for larger animals.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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