Povilas J.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Alytus, Alytus County, Lithuania

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen

Über Povilas J.

35 Jahre alt | Self-employed

--- About Us ---

We are a couple: Povilas(33) and Simona(26) and we've been together for 5 years already. We are both university graduates (originally from Lithuania in Northern Europe, both speaking English fluently) working online as statistics/programming tutors for many years. We are responsible and strict on deadlines, as our profession requires it.
Both are fully vaccinated against COVID.

Currently, we have been slow-traveling over Europe since 2019. We travel by car and prefer to stay in one place for longer periods.
We have done house-sitting before, and also have rented many properties and taken care of animals. We like clean apartments, and we care for nature very much (recycling waste is preferred).

House-sitting is an opportunity for us to experience places we would not be able to visit while "just traveling". We decided to start house-sitting because:
- we are accumulating resources for buying our own property in the future.
- we haven't yet decided where we want to live/stay, where both nature and the local community would fit our needs.
- we enjoy staying with animals, but unfortunately having a pet is not feasible while traveling.

We don't have many house-sit feedbacks yet. Meanwhile, please check out our Airbnb profile for exclusively positive reviews: https://www.airbnb.com/users/show/193054080

Our hobbies: early morning walks, hiking, gardening, reading(Simona), philosophy-writing(Povilas), socializing.
Both of us are non-smokers, we don't watch TV, and we drink alcohol extremely rarely.
We enjoy quiet properties, no matter if it is a residential area in a city, a small town, or a more rural area. This is a must-have for a property.

--- Our experience with house/animals/garden ---

- House maintenance/know-how
We used to live in a house back in Lithuania, so we know how to take care of it:
paying taxes, fixing electricity issues, fixing basic machinery issues, set-up/fixing Wifi/computers, lawn-mowing, construction work, superb googling skills for anything else :)

- Animals
Cats: took care of a sick cat in Crete, Greece. Povilas has owned a cat.
Dogs: fostered two stray dogs in Bulgaria. Also, we often help in a dogs' shelter in Lithuania, when we are at home.
Farm animals: experience with chickens and goats. No experience with bigger farm animals, but we are eager to try!
Owned rabbits, ha

Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Simona, 27 Jahre alt, Self-employed, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Katrin H.

Schellenberg, Liechtenstein - Mai 2022

Povilas and Simona took very good care of our three cats, house and garden in Liechtenstein for three weeks. They are a lovely young couple and absolutely trustworthy when it comes to your pets and home. Povilas and Simona took good care of their health, e.g. by removing ticks or finding different food for one of the cats with a stomach problem. And they made sure the cats got enough cuddles and were entertained. Our house and garden were also taken good care of. What a great feeling to come home after three weeks and find the lawn mowed, fresh flowers on the table and and freshly baked cookies! Povilas and Simona stayed home for most of the time to work, but were also interested in discovering the region. We spent a few days together before leaving and after we came back, and had some nice dinners and interesting discussions. We can recommend this young couple and will gladly welcome them back.

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