Wai-Ling W.

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Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Wai-Ling W.

58 Jahre alt | Retraitée | Als Paar/Duo

Nous sommes un couple de 59 ans, mariés depuis 30 ans. Nous sommes à la retraite et avons du temps pour voyager et s'occuper de vos animaux. Nous sommes non fumeurs. Nous sommes heureux de partir à la rencontre de nouvelles personnes et destinations. Nous aimons découvrir de nouvelles cultures et goûter des spécialités locales. Nous sommes des personnes consciencieuses, responsables, organisées et fiables.

J'ai travaillé dans le domaine de l'éducation en qualité de secrétaire d'école au secondaire puis au primaire. J'ai adoré mon métier, me sentant utile aussi bien pour les élèves, les parents que les enseignants. Je ne me suis jamais ennuyée. Mon mari a une formation universitaire en informatique et a occupé différents postes d'administration de systèmes.

Nous faisons tous les deux du bénévolat. Pour ma part, c'est avec l'organisme Partageons l'espoir toutes les semaines pour leur dîner communautaire et leur banque alimentaire. Pour mon conjoint, il fait du bénévolat à l'épicerie solidaire autogérée Le Détour, auprès de l'organisme Bâtiment 7. Il participe également au projet du jardin collectif La Dent Verte. Nous aimons nous rendre utile et participer activement à la vie citoyenne et communautaire de notre quartier Verdun-Pointe Saint-Charles (Montréal, Canada).

Au plaisir de vous rencontrer bientôt ! Wai-Ling & Hugues.

We are a 59 year old couple, married for 30 years. We are retired and have time to travel and take care of your animals. We are non-smokers. We are happy to meet new people and discover new places. We like to discover new cultures and taste local specialties. We are conscientious, responsible, organized and reliable people.

I worked in the field of education as a school secretary in secondary school and then in primary school. I loved my job, feeling useful to students, parents and teachers alike. I never got bored. My husband has an university computer background and has held various systems administration positions.

We both do volunteer work. For me, it's with the organization Share the Warmth every week for their community dinner and food bank. For my husband, he volunteers at the self-managed solidarity grocery store Le Détour, with the organization Bâtiment 7. He also participates in the collective garden project La Dent Verte. We like to make ourselves useful and actively participate in the civic and community life of our Verdun-Pointe Saint-Charles neighborhood, (Montreal Canada).

Hope to meet you soon ! Wai-Ling & Hugues.

Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Hugues, 58 Jahre alt, Informaticien, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Chinesisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Wee K.

Petaling Jaya, Malaysia - Mai 2024

Wai-lan and Hugues took great care of our house , 3 cats and garden for 3 weeks. They are dependable and kept us posted of the situation back home. They got involved in a food rescue NGO which I am a volunteer with and told them of. Adaptable, friendly , adventurous and we had a fantastic time with them and they cook us a great lunch when we arrived home. Our cats and us would gladly have them back if they are willing to come back for future house sits.

Coco W.

Toronto, Canada - März 2024

We had an absolutely fantastic experience with Wai-Ling and Hugues as our cat-sitter/house-sitters. From the very beginning, they demonstrated a level of professionalism and care that immediately put our minds at ease. Their proactive communication well in advance of their stay, including a reassuring Zoom call where they patiently answered all our questions, truly set the tone for a positive experience. Upon their arrival, Wai-Ling and Hugues took the time to get to know us, our apartment, and the specific needs of our beloved cat, Pepper. Their genuine interest in ensuring Pepper's well-being and their thorough understanding of our apartment routine left us feeling confident and relaxed as we embarked on our trip. Throughout our time away, Wai-Ling and Hugues consistently kept us updated with messages and delightful photos of Pepper, which not only brightened our days but also demonstrated their dedication to providing the best care possible. It was evident that they formed a genuine connection with our furry bundle of joy. Returning to our apartment was an absolute delight. Pepper was not only well groomed and content but seemed to have formed a bond with Wai-Ling and Hugues. The cleanliness of our apartment was nothing short of impressive – it was not just well-maintained, but it appeared even tidier than when we left. Their attention to detail and commitment to leaving our space in immaculate condition did not go unnoticed. Wai-Ling and Hugues are not only competent and responsible house-sitters but also warm, friendly, and easy-going individuals. Their open communication style and positive attitude made the entire experience enjoyable for us. We wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone seeking reliable and caring house-sitters. We feel fortunate to have had Wai-Ling and Hugues take care of our home and Pepper, and we sincerely hope to have the privilege of welcoming them back for future stays. Thank you, Wai-Ling and Hugues, for providing us with peace of mind and for taking care of our cherished space and Pepper with such dedication and love.

Justine C.

Washington, United States - August 2023

Nous avons été ravis de rencontrer et partager un instant avec Hugues et Way-Ling ! Ils se sont occupés avec beaucoup de soin et d'amour de nos 2 chats persans pendant 3 semaines et nous avons pu passer des vacances très sereines grace à eux. Nos chats aussi d'ailleurs, ont passé du coup les meilleures vacances de leur vie :) La maison a été très bien tenue, très propre à notre retour. Je recommande à 100%% leur aide et j'espère qu'ils reviendront nous voir. Merci à eux deux !

Ilona h.

Oranjestad, Aruba - Dezember 2022

We were happy to be able to host Wai Ling and Hugues during the time we were away on vacation. Communication with them before and during the trip was very pleasant and they kept us perfectly informed about the pets and the house when we were away, sending pictures and updates, which we appreciated a lot! They were very diligent and accurate and it was reassuring to us, knowing that the house and pets were in good and loving hands while we were away. It was really nice to meet them before and after the trip and chat about our countries and travels. They even prepared a nice meal for us when we arrived back! We would highly recommend them as housesitters!

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