Kathryn r.

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Braga, Braga, Portugal


Über Kathryn r.

63 Jahre alt | Retired

Grant and I are a married couple from Vancouver, Canada in our mid/late-50's that have worked and lived all over the world. I am retired from a career in Finance and Grant has recently retired from his career as a Helicopter Maintenance Engineer. We have settled in northern Portugal and look forward to continuing our love of travel. Our most recent post was 6 years in Thailand where we were adopted by and cared for 4 feral cats in addition to the many other local cats and dogs which we cared for. Unable to bring our personal cat to Portugal with us, we were able to move him to live with friends in Canada. We love all animals and all travel and as we are fairly new to the pet sitting community having only sat for friends. We believe pet sitting will be a wonderful opportunity to combine our 2 favourite things and meet new people.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Grant, 58 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

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