Nelson p.

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Braga, Braga, Portugal

Über Nelson p.

61 Jahre alt | tvde operator in portugal

Im a single divorced male that returned to Portugal, my country of birth. I have decided to settle down here and have started a small tourist transportation company. I have been through the whole bureaurocracy and now have free time on my hands while I wait for the outstanding issues to be sorted out. My fiscal residence is in Braga but at the moment I reside in Porto. I deceide to take this step because 1. obviously i could say myself some accomodation money, second i love cats and dogs. I have had cats and or dogs most of my life. Also want to meet different people. I also have a drivers livense and a car if errands need to be run.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Portugiesisch

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