Jennifer e.

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Blairsville, Georgia, United States

Über Jennifer e.

48 Jahre alt | Mental Health Professional

Hi I am a counselor that works with children and adolescents. I have been doing this kind of work for 25 years. I am currently taking a couple of years off to do some writing and to spend time with my daughters who are now in there 20s. My youngest daughter moved to Austin 2 years ago and I am looking forward to spending time with her. Since the pandemic we have not seen each other in over a year. As I live in Georgia. She is an artist and dog groomer at a boutique salon in Austin. I am hoping to find a space to write and also be able to visit with her and her partner. I have fostered dogs over the years and have had many pets. You name it! Elise was an Elsie Mae and brought every critter imaginable home. I look forward to solace and writing and quality time with my daughter when she is not working but I can’t imagine being able to function without a furry companion or more to cuddle with and have a walk. I’m pretty boring these days. My work has been stressful and rewarding but these days I’m enjoying quiet days and time with family.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Elise, 27 Jahre alt, Dog Groomer , Kind

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