Leah p.

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Matlock, Manitoba, Canada

Über Leah p.

56 Jahre alt | Retired office manager

We are a retired Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer (53) and retired office manager (48) who will care for your home and pets like they were our own. We are quiet, clean, non-smokers with plenty of animal care experience.

We retired early to travel, but still prefer the comforts of home. Until January of 2015, we always had pets. We miss having them, and looking after other people's animals provides a temporary animal love "fix".

We are available for several months at time, and are open to short and long term opportunities. Beloved animals don't want to stay in kennels, and we prefer not to stay in hotels. House sitting provides a sense of being home away from home. We enjoy working in the garden, exploring neighbourhoods and natural spaces, keeping a clean home, and spending time pampering animals.

We have experience caring for many domestic animals. Our most recent cats lived to the ages of 24 and 18. Each required medications in their later years; the oldest received twice daily insulin shots for 6 years. We have administered medications to several animals we've cared for; this is simply part of taking care of them, not a problem.

We are quite active and enjoy hiking and walking; having someone's dog(s) along for company only adds to the fun!

We have looked after homes in cities and in the country, have pool & hot tub maintenance experience, and are open to new experiences and challenges.

As long-time home owners and volunteers with Habitat for Humanity, we're capable of doing most basic home maintenance jobs. Maintaining our extensive gardens (including vegetables, fruit trees, shrubs, and ornamental beds) is one of our major hobbies; we're happy to help out with yard work at house sits, as well.

We have clean criminal records checks & drivers' abstracts, we're excellent in emergencies, organised, responsible, resourceful, and considerate. We think of house sitting as our job; we take each assignment seriously, so you will have nothing to worry about.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Karen, Retired Police Officer (RCMP), Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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