Christina s.

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Südlohn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Über Christina s.

30 Jahre alt | Hairdresser & Visagist

We are Christina and Reci. I, Christina, grew up in.a small town near to the Netherlands. My Grandfather grew horses and this is where my love for animals in general and especially for horses started, I rode since I was a child (age 8) also on tournaments. I had my first own horse with 10 years and took care of it myself. At home we also had two dogs, which I grew up with.

Recep is my boyfriend for almost 9 years now. We almost adopted a dog, but decided not to do it, because both of us worked full time in our jobs. Now we appreciate this decision, because of what we do now.

We started our world travel in march. We spent three month in turkey and are right now in Mexico. From August 16 on we will be in Costa Rica. My little sister and her boyfriend will visit us there till the 1st of September.
After their visit our aim is to stay a bit longer in Costa Rica.
To stay somewhere for a bit longer and take care of your pets would be so great. We would like to use that time to calm down from the travel a bit and built us up a website during our stay. To be able to take that time with animals would be even greater.

You can check our Instagram: @ganzschoentutka
(we also linked our Youtube channel there)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Kadir Recep, 33 Jahre alt, Mechanical Engineer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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