Michelle e.

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Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Über Michelle e.

28 Jahre alt | Residential Youth Worker/University Student

Hi there
My name is Michelle and I am a 25 year old Canadian-Swiss. My home base is in Canada but I am currently travelling around Europe!

I’m currently in school doing a 4 year Specialization in Psychology at Laurentian University, and because of COVID, I have been able to continue doing it all online! I will be graduating at the end of the year and since I am currently taking summer courses, I only have half the course load making it very easy for me to travel!

I originally wanted to be a Vet, as I have a huge love for animals, so I have lots of experience with animals as well. I co-oped at a vet clinic when I was in high school, and also owned my own horse for 4 years while doing placement at a barn, so I don't mind getting my hands dirty! I also worked at a garden centre for 1 season, so I am also happy to do any gardening :)

My fiancés name is Davin. He's currently in school in a 4 year Political Science program while working full time for Export Development Canada. He speaks both English and French fluently :)

We are both fully vaccinated which has made travelling much easier, and we are currently located in Spain, making it a short plane ride to anywhere in Europe!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Davin , 24 Jahre alt, Junior associate at Export Development Canada (EDC), Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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