Suzanne h.

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Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Über Suzanne h.

Operations Manager

We're couple in our late 30's currently living in Hong Kong, Grant is an architect from Cape Town and I work as an operations manager in the shipping industry - hence the move to Hong Kong from UK!
After being in Hong Kong for 6 years we have decided to move on and have been lucky enough to gain an opportunity to live and work in Melbourne.
Both dog owners before Hong Kong we know and miss the joy they bring to a home. We have also done a few dog and cat fosters here in Hong Kong to get our animal fix so you can rest assured we will love your furry friend as our own (albeit following your routine of course!)
We are hosts on airbnb where we let our little apartment out whilst we are away so fully understand the trust and respect involved in house sitting.
We've not done house sitting before although it seems like a great way to experience a place from a local perspective and have the added benefit of a home from home feel. It would also give us a great opportunity to get to know the city and discover where we would like to base ourselves for the longer term.
In return we'd love to look after your home and your four legged family whilst you are away. We can work to your routine, ensure you are updated as frequently as you like ((I'd imagine this might be quite important) and ensure your house is kept, clean,tidy and ready for your return.
If you think we would be a good fit, we'd love to hear from you!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Grant, Architect, Ehepartner / Partner

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