Johan s.

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Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Johan s.

43 Jahre alt | Content Manager

Hi, I’m Johan, a Scandinavian (half-Swedish, half-Finnish) digital slowmad. I enjoy working on my own art, text, film or music projects. I also work with content marketing/strategy – if for a good and sustainable purpose. I speak five languages (native in Swedish and Finnish) and especially enjoy practicing French and Spanish. I practice yoga, dancing and meditation and have been on many meditation retreats. I also enjoy running, cycling and other sports. I don't smoke & rarely drink. I am vaccinated.

I've taken the Buddhist vows, and there is something about the honest exchange with a pet/house sit that I think definitely falls under the concept of right livelihood.

I love spending time slowly, choosing my own work and pace, while I explore different places and spaces. If I can do so with animal companions (or cuddle and play with them at home) – it is an extra happiness and grounding bonus. I feel both cats and dogs (all animals, really) have a lot to teach us humans. I also think that plants are amazing, and I enjoy taking care of them as the little beings they are – checking up on their water and soil needs. I would rather take sits that are at least one week long, preferably two or more.

I’ve done about a dozen house/pet sits or more. I started doing it for family, friends and then friends of them. From 2021 and onwards I’ve also done it for hitherto unknown people and pets (since I discovered sites like this). I grew up with, and adore, dogs. I tend to end up with canine friends wherever I go. In the past decade I’ve also come to love cats – and I do think they can tell! I love the different personalities of the two species – and I feel that there are lessons to be learned from both. I also love plants and caring for them.

I work with communication and enjoy providing the pet parents with updates about their family members. I am a caring and tidy person who gets along with pets and people well – and a very good house guest. Check out my 38 airbnb reviews (all positive) as well as my Nomador and Mind My House reviews for references. :)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Carole t.

Paris, France - September 2022

Johan a été parfait à tout point de vue ! Il m'a donné très fréquemment des nouvelles de mes 2 chats, a rendu l'appartement dans un état impeccable et a rendu mes chats tres heureux ! Johan est très sympa, zen, je n'ai que des compliments à lui faire. J'espère moi aussi qu'il pourra revenir à la maison s'occuper de mes 2 chats ou juste pour une visite ! Tu es le bienvenu quand tu veux ;)

Mathilde D.

Paris, France - August 2022

Johan est un très bon home sitter. Nous lui avons confié notre chat pendant 1 mois et il s’en est très bien occupé. Johan a eu un très bon contact avec Kadaré alors que notre chat n’a pas toujours un caractère facile. En plus, il a pris le temps de jouer quotidiennement avec lui. Il nous a donné des nouvelles très régulièrement ce qui est très rassurant au début. Vous pouvez lui confier vos animaux et vos plantes en toute confiance. En plus de tout cela Johan est très sympathique et discute facilement. Il s’intéresse à tout et est très ouvert. Merci encore pour ton investissement, grâce à toi nous avons passé des vacances en toute sérénité. Mathilde et Morgan.

Niels & Anne N.

The Hague, Netherlands - September 2021

We were very happy with the patient way Johan took care of our elderly, grumpy cat. We received regular updates, and the entire process went smoothly. Very much recommended!

Analia p.

Prague, Czech Republic - August 2021

Look no further, Johan is definitely the person you want to take care of your house and pets! He took care of our dogs, plants and apartment for 2 weeks. From the start I could tell I had done a good choice in choosing Johan, we did a video call prior to him coming to our house and he was super friendly and gave us an excellent first impression. He arrived a day before we left which was great because we had plenty of time to explain to him many things and walk the dogs with him. My main concern was for my 2 French bulldogs, they are like my babies, and he kept me informed about their well-being. In fact I believe he provided me an update everyday, including pictures, which was what I was looking for. I could really tell he cared about my dogs and spent time with them. When we arrived they were really calm and that is because he spent a lot of time with them. He took them on many walks, played with them, gave them treats and cuddles. He was concerned when anything looked odd with them and asked me about it. Also my plants were like I left them, some even greener than before. The apartment is quite big and it was quite clean when we arrived. I know it's tricky to take care of 2 dogs and have a tidy house but he managed to do it :) . He also explained anything that looked different from how I had left it so I had no surprises, which is often a bummer when you come back from vacations (has happened to me before!) so I was very thankful for this. This has been a great experience and I hope that Johan can come to house sit again, I'm sure my dogs miss him! Thank you Johan!

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