Rebecca g.

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Poissy, Île-de-France, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Rebecca g.

52 Jahre alt | Business Owner

Hello. My husband and I are new to this site but have experience as pet and house sitters. We had a number of pictures posted here including reviews from other websites but they have disappeared and the new format does not all me to add them but I’ll be happy to share references and photos with you.

I am originally from New York and have lived in Spain as well. Mamoune, my husband, is from Sénégal, West Africa. Currently, we live in Paris. We work from home on our own business and circumstances do not allow us to have our own pets at the moment so we love the opportunity to spend time with animals and have a change of scene. We also adore traveling so it is wonderful to have the opportunity to explore while getting to spend time taking care of animals and meeting new people. Between us we speak French, English, Wolof and some Spanish and German!

We both grew up with many animals. Most recently I had a cat who lived to be 21 years old and was the love of my life : ) In the end he was sick and my vet taught me how to give him intravenous fluids and care for him at home so that we could stay together. Please know that we take the care of your home and your pets very seriously. We will be happy to share photos of us and our home, video chat and share our references from other house/pet sitting sites. We are in our 40s, do not smoke, do not have children (not by choice but c’est la vie) and we are fully vaccinated. We both have Master’s Degree level educations plus additional certificates. Since we work from home we do need good WiFi available.
Also to note, we have a car and when distance allows we drive to you so fewer concerns about possible travel restrictions.

Last summer we did a 5 week sit of a high end home in Delft, Netherlands with multiple cats and chickens. Last fall we did a shorter sit with cats in Bretagne, France and that summer we did a house, cat and pool sit in Aix en Provence and a dog, cat, pool, garden & house sit in Uzès, France. That is only a sample of the sits we’ve done which have included caring for animals with health concerns and detailed needs. Our goal is always to be sure your animals are healthy and happy and you find your home as you left it or better.

We look forward to the opportunity to connect with you. Thank you very much, Rebecca & Mamoune.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Mamoune, 47 Jahre alt, Business Owner, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Roy C.

Uzès, France - September 2021

Rebecca and Mammoune arrived promptly as agreed and rapidly gained the confidence of our dog and rather shy cat so that we left on holiday fully confident that they would be well looked after. We did not want too much communication while we were away but were pleased to come home to find the house beautifully clean, animals and plants all looking healthy and the pool sparkling. They left very promptly after our arrival home so we did not manage to spend a great deal of time with them but they seemed a very pleasant couple and we can recommend them as house sitters with pleasure.

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