Anna maria s.

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Hallbergmoos, Bavaria, Germany

Über Anna maria s.

53 Jahre alt | Gesundheit

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

My name is Anna Maria (50 years young),

I'am originally from Poland, but I live in Germany (a small town close to Munich )since 22 years.
I like to travel a lot and I am used to be alone.
I'm "young at heart" sporty, humorous and spontaneous person.
Honest , respect, tolerance, niveau und discretion are very important for me!
I love all animals!
Cats and dogs touch my heart!
I look forward to take care of your animals and cares, feed, to play, go for a walk and much more...
I'm flexible, responsible, punctually und orderly.
I like to housework, gardening und cleaning.

Till now, I did'work as a professional house - / pet sister, but in my life
had my own pets.
I often took care about the pets from family, friends and neighbors
and all had been happy about this.

My interest:

Animals, Yoga/ Wellness, Nature, Cycling, Sailing /Boating, Art& Design, Vegetarian Cuisine, Language...

Spoken languages:

German: Fluent
Polish: native speaker
Russian: Intermediate
Italian: Intermediate,
English: Beginner

For me the possibility to travel, learn other countries and in the same time
have the opportunity be with animals or take care about homes , is perfect.
I like what I do and I do it from the bottom of my heart.

I don't smoke.
I am vaccinated (Covid-19 ).

"Animals & Travel make people happy"
with best regards
Anna Maria

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Russisch

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