Laura g.

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Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Über Laura g.

35 Jahre alt | IT Project Manager

my name is Laura, I come from Hamburg and actually I'm hiking through the world. I stay with couchsurfers or do camping. Although I ask people on the street to stay at their house. It's an unique experience in my life.
I'm interested in ecoliving, animales, practice yoga and meditation. Additional I like to live from abundance und try to avoid waste as much as I can. I really love to cook und try new things. During my journey I like to stay longer at some places to feel atmosphere, meet locals, learn the language and it's culture. This is how I try to spread and improve my knowledge.

I grew ab with horses in a little town, am familiar with animales and was several times a midwife for horses. What an incredible experience! :)

I encounter every person on eye level and am curious about everybody's live. This is why everyone is the hero of their own life stories. :)

When I sit your house or pet you can be sure that I am reliable, respectful and take responsibility for yours. You can call my mom, if you like. ;)) Moreover I'm clean and I can help you in the garden.

I Hamburg I have a small parcell to do gardening and practice permaculture.

If you feel comfortable with my description feel free to contact me. I'm looking forward to it. :)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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