Patricia h.

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Chetek, Wisconsin, United States

Über Patricia h.

75 Jahre alt | TEACHER

My husband and I currently own an auto sales business. I am retired from the school system with 25 years of experience. Previously I was a office assistant at the power company. I help my husband with car title work, submitting car titles to the state by computer, payment of sales taxes and end of the year state and federal tax prep. We would love to house sit for you, take care of your pets, flowers, plants inside and out and general yard maintenance. We currently live in a large Victorian home on the lake in Wisconsin with our sheltie where we maintain a yard and beautiful flower gardens. We pay attention to detail and would treat your home as our own. We are kind, conscientious, caring, hard working individuals that you can trust.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
JAMES, 80 Jahre alt, Owner-auto sales, Ehepartner / Partner

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