Amanda O.

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Manchester, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Amanda O.

50 Jahre alt | Business Consultant in Learning and Development for Human Resources

"They are a lovely couple, who treat people, animals and property with respect. Reliable and trustworthy in any situation, level headed with plenty of common sense. Respectful to cultural diversity. Very knowledgeable about animal care, and the kind of people one can depend on in an emergency" - Katherina, Teacher for children with Special Educational Needs, in Norway.
- Hello! We are Amanda and Rob, both in our forties in age and mindset. A British couple who has been together for 15 years. We met whilst travelling across Europe. We have worked in many countries including Europe, Canada, Egypt, the Middle East, Africa and Singapore…so far. We have travelled to other countries including Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Australia etc.
-Animal Care Qualifications -
We adore all animals; we have qualifications for both cats and dogs. Specifically, Qualifications in the Ofqual Approved Level 2 Award in Canine Care and Behaviour which meets the new UK Animal Activity Licensing Regulation requirements for the basic standard requirements to care for dogs. This covers the Principles of Canine Health and Welfare and Principles of Canine Behaviour and Training and basic Canine First Aid. In addition, we have OCN Awards Level 2 Award in Feline Care and Behaviour Qualification, which includes Feline Health and Welfare and Feline Behaviour and First Aid.
We were both raised with cats and dogs. We have also occasionally worked on and helped with our family’s organic farm in Yorkshire in the United Kingdom. Robert has volunteered at South Lakes Safari Zoo in Cumbria in the United Kingdom, feeding lemurs, giraffes and penguins and cleaning animal shelters.
-Our Work -
We are ‘location independent’ working as successful Business Consultants in Learning and Development for human resources, specialising in designing courses in Advanced Communication Skills, Customer Service and Business Psychology. We have also been known to participate in volunteer work, for example teaching English and Reading skills to people in Cambodia.
-Our Rescue Cat and Dogs-
Our rescued Persian long-haired cat ‘Wolfie’ was rescued from the streets of Dubai having been found maltreated, malnourished and very nervous of people. We gained her a passport and she travelled over 4,500 miles to her new happy home in Britain and is now living with my mother in England. I’m pleased to tell you that ‘Wolfie’ our cat is now confident, happy, only eats expensive food at her own re

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Robert, 42 Jahre alt, Business Consultant in Learning and Development for Human Resources, Ehepartner / Partner

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