Will and dean

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Hengelo, Overijssel, Netherlands

Über Will and dean

27 Jahre alt | Sales co-worker at IKEA


We are Dean and Willemijn, a young couple from The Netherlands. After having a break from travelling, we are looking to get back on the road again! We have a lot of prior housesitting experience, both via online communities (mostly in New Zealand, KiwiHousesitters) and via friends and family.

Since we travel full time, we have no obligations, so plenty of time to give the love and attention your pet(s) deserve :) We started housesitting because we like the idea of trade, being around animals and it's nice to be in a home for a change! We both love animals and love being active and outdoors (we both were outdoor instructors before) so if we are to house sit your accommodation and you have a dog, prepare them for nice long walks, no matter the weather conditions ;) And if we are not outside, the best thing is to snuggle up with cats (ssshh, don't tell anyone we have started to prefer them since housesitting haha). Bonus: cats seem to absolutely love Dean's legs to nap on.
Also had many many guinea pigs, hamsters and some rabbits and have taken care of chickens and (highlander) cows too :)

Will has grown up with dogs her whole life, sisters owning dogs as well, including more ''difficult'' dogs behaviour-wise or with medical conditions and have taken care of cats with medical issues as well. Most important to us is open and honest communication and then we are open to pretty much anything.

We have been a couple for seven years now, living together for almost six, so we know how to clean, cook, keep everything nice and tidy. When having a home, we owned many many plants so we can keep most alive pretty well. We are reliable, non smokers/drug/alcoholfree people and we don't like partying. If any references are needed, feel free to ask for previous employers contact details or previous housesit details. Any other questions are always welcome too!

Hopefully we get to meet soon :)

- Dean and Willemijn

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Dean, 27 Jahre alt, Outdoors Instructor, Andere

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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