Cynthia h.

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Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada

Über Cynthia h.

65 Jahre alt | business owner

We are a couple who have owned different homes throughout our adult lives. John grew up on a farm and is very used to fixing whatever needs fixing around the house and yard. I grew up in a small community and am also used to working inside and outside of the house.
We both grew up having gardens to help out in and fresh garden vegetables. That's the best.
John is very partial towards cats. At one point in John's adult life, he took in rescue cats and cherished their personalities. He was and is fine with giving and injecting their medication. He was known to have a couple of them at a time for quite a few years. I did not grow up with animals but have become well accustomed to having them around as 3 of my daughters have dogs.
I am retired, but John is still working as a data analyst. Fortunately, he can do this wherever we are located as long as there is great wifi service.
Why they want to house sit

I love going to new communities and experiencing the local way of life. We all live such wonderful, varied lives. What better way to do this then to live in a home.
The people we have met so far in our assignments have been very honest with what is expected, so going into the assignments has gone very smoothly. We have been able to enjoy exploring when time permitted.

We have done house sitting for family,friends and for sincere, honest people that we have housesat for on other sites. This experience has led us to different areas then we would normally go and have loved the interaction we have had with the owners and their wonderful pets. We have been known to comb the neighbourhood for a lovely small dog that got away. Neighbours were kind enough to help us in this endeavor. We found out after that this was a very common occurence. Looking for a hiding chicken wasn't something that we thought we would ever do, but we did indeed look for about an hour. We eventually found it snuggled up to another chicken. Phew.
John grew up on a farm, so is very used to having pets around to play with and enjoy.

John is frequently called upon to help people with their plumbing and electrical as well as computer internet problems.
We just finished a major house renovation. Throughout this project, John was responsible for the electrical and plumbing as well as numerous other projects. I am the labour guru who is not afraid to take on what needs to be done as well as keeping everything neat and tidy.
We both are used to doing all the yard work in summer an

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Meine Reisebegleiter
John, 62 Jahre alt, Ehepartner / Partner

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