Ana v.

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Bethesda, Maryland, United States

Über Ana v.

29 Jahre alt | Customer Service

Hello, I am Ana. I live near the D.C are with my family and I like to house sit as a way to get to know the states and get some alone time. I work remote so the only thing I need is a reliable internet connection, I bring my own laptop. I live with my dog who I love and care for daily and I used to live with my two cats. I would love to house sit and take care of your cats since I miss their company and furriness and, at the same time, there is nothing better than a dog's joy, I am 100% up for both. I am also very well trained to take care of plants and any other tasks that are required at the house. I would love a chance to house sit at your home and make sure that everything is just as you left it when you come back.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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