Elene and george o.

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Tbilisi, Tbilisi, Georgia

Über Elene and george o.

3 Jahre alt | Elen is Head of Court Mediation Center and and George is Videographer/Photographer

We're a couple who love all kinds of animals and we have a great experience how to take care of especially, dogs and cats! Currently, we have a gorgeous poodle boy, named Oscar and he is our magic prince, during our vacation he'll stay with our family members. We very much love to travel and explore the new places, make new friends and if's possible, we're happy to be sorrounded with pets and share our day and positive vibes to them and vice versa. Currently, we work online and we could offer the most friendly and highly proffessional attitudes towards you, the nicest people, who'd love to give us a great opportunity for taking care of your loved ones and new adventures.

Have a nice day,

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Meine Reisebegleiter
George, 3 Jahre alt, Videographer/Photographer, Ehepartner / Partner

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