Sarah b.

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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Über Sarah b.

31 Jahre alt | Physiotherapy assistant

My partner and I are both educated, trustworthy professionals in our early thirties from Canada. Travis is a Graphic designer for Lululemon and I am a recent graduate from the University of Calgary for Disabilities studies. We want to explore as much of the world before we decide on where to start a family and purchase a property.

We are both active, clean, responsible adults with experience housesitting for friends and family. The oddest pet I have cared for is a gecko. Although it was a fun experience my knowledge of animals centers more around dogs, cats and horses.
I am always available for a chat via the phone or a skype call to gain confidence you made the right choice in caretakers for your property and furry family members.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Travis, 38 Jahre alt, Graphics designer , Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Karina l.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Oktober 2021

Sarah (and Travis) are a very friendly and chilled couple. Within a couple of days they created a great connection with our cat, which left me very relaxed in my mini-trip out of town. Every other day Sarah would send me news about Sukura (my choice, since I'm too attached to our cat) and how well she was doing in terms of food and sleep routine. They got along beautifully and the house was taken care of as well. Loved the experience (my first) and would definitely recommend Sarah and Travis to other people!

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