Rainer m.

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Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Über Rainer m.

30 Jahre alt | Freelancer & Student

We are Rainer (27) from Germany, and Kassia (29) from Canada. After having been separate for several years due to COVID, we have now finally reunited this August and are currently looking to spend as much time as possible together while exploring parts of Europe.
I (Rainer) am currently working remotely as a Freelancer for a Berlin NGO. and Kassia left her job as a supervisor in a retail store and is currently on a UK working holiday visa studying German. Both of us love to travel and met while travelling in New Zealand several years ago. We love animals and have lots of experience. I grew up on a farm in Germany with several cats and dogs, and Kassia comes from an equally pet loving family.
We are calm personalities that love to go hiking or cycling and take time to explore the details of our surrounding. This is why we very much prefer staying for a longer while in one place to really enjoy the stay.
House Sitting is the perfect mix of something exciting but not stressful, leaving us time to relax and explore at our own pace. And we of course also very much appreciate having some lovely, furred companions around us.
This would be our first-time house sitting, but we do have stayed on Woofing farms and with host families several times. We thus know how to act responsibly around someone else's property while being unsupervised.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Kassia, 31 Jahre alt, Retail Manager/ Student, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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