rachida Z.

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Limoges, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen

Über rachida Z.

55 Jahre alt | cuisinière | Allein

My name is Rachida (Ida) from France i`m a chef, 9 years ago i sold everything and started a trip around the world with no time limits, a slow travel .For this new part of my life I wish bring new meaning to my life and my way of working by being more in the share and try to help in some shelters or people who love animals and need help for take some holidays.
If these experiences have been enriching, they are also full of intense, exhausting and overwhelming emotions. The maltreatment and animal condition in some countries is dramatic , it is therefore important to take time for yourself in order to be able to continue this path serenely, this journey changed my life and gave me a purpose and today I am happy to dedicate my life for them
I'm a dynamic 55 y/o woman, passionate, who love new challenges , The new meetings...
I have two children Theo 27 a cook who has just moved to japan and Raphael 30 designer in France.
For the moment I only have experience as a dog sitter in Crete just experiences in animals shelters In different countries around the world like Colombia, Ecuador, Vietnam, Thailand and many others in Europe too and 5 months in Greece like a nanny for 2 dogs and 2 cats.
hope see you soon


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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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