Avis L.

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High River, Alberta, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Avis L.

66 Jahre alt | Retired Marketing Assistant | Als Paar/Duo

We are a senior 65+ Canadian couple. Fully vaccinated against COVID. Non-smokers. We started housesitting in 2021 and became full time sitters since April 2023. We have completed 43 housesits all earning 5 star reviews. We can and will provide references upon request.

You deserve to enjoy a worry-free vacation. We know the difficulties of travelling with or without pets. We also know how difficult it can be to ask friends and family to watch our homes and pets when we want to fly off somewhere. We want to help those that wish to travel without worrying about their home and or pets by offering our “no-fee” service as house/pet sitters. By having us house sit, you’d meet your home-owners insurance policy obligation. Kennels can be stressful for our pets, never mind the stress on the pocketbook. Your pets will be happier if they can remain in their home while you’re away, and the stress on your pocketbook eliminated.

Here’s a little of who we are: Richard who goes by James retired from Government of Manitoba - Department of Corrections in December 2016. Avis works remotely 10 hours/week for financial advisor in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada. We have been security checked and both hold US issued Nexus cards. We are both very active walkers trying our best to do 10-15 kilometres/day. Both of us are avid readers, love to garden and we’re always looking for new places to explore. We are experienced caring for dogs and cats, owning a home, lawn and garden care. Avis grew up on a farm in Manitoba’s Interlake and has experience with all animals from cows, horses, pigs, chickens, rabbits and of course there was always several cats and dogs on the farm. James is a city boy and has over the years had dogs and cats in his home.We love to travel, and since we no longer have pets of our own, we thought, what better way to fulfil the love of animals than to enjoy other folks, pets? What better way to explore new places than travelling to a new house-sitting opportunity for those that also like to travel. We will respect you, your pets, and your home and you can expect your home to be left in the same or better condition as when you left. We will communicate with you during your vacation in whatever manner you choose. WhatsApp, Email, Skype.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Richard James, 72 Jahre alt, Retired corrections officer, Ehepartner / Partner

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