Hélia m.

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Porto, Porto District, Portugal

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Hélia m.

34 Jahre alt | Freelance Front-end Developer | Allein

Hello, my name is Helia and I'm working as a freelancer developing websites, so I can work from anywhere! I'm also trying to pursue a career in Photography.
I'm currently living with my mother in my hometown in Porto, Portugal. We have 2 dogs and we are surrounded with plants, both indoors and outdoors. Last year I shared house with a friend and her baby cat, that I was petsitting when she was not at home.
Until the beginning of 2020 I was living in Lisbon for 3 years. Before I also spend some time living abroad: Barcelona (Erasmus exchange), The Hague (as an Au Pair), Riga (Volunteering at an Association) and Seville (Working at a Hostel).
I love exploring new places and learning new languages. I'm passionate about photography, cinema and music. I'm a vegan who loves to be around animals and nature.
Thank you for reading :)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Julie b.

Madrid, Spain - Januar 2022

Hélia was amazing with my cat, Themis! They definitely developped a good relationship during the stay. Hélia is very reliable and finds her way easily. She took care of my home as it was her own and left the place super clean and tidy. That would be a pleasure to welcome her again any time!

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