Liisa m.

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Tallinn, Harju County, Estonia

Über Liisa m.

30 Jahre alt | Entrepreneur

I am from Estonia but I have lived in India for the past 5 years. Now I am back at home but would love to explore more amazing places since I'm a traveller at heart. I am a total nature lover and love all kinds of animals. Especially dogs and cats! I would love to have one myself but since I want to travel around the world, I am more than happy to take care of your furry friends until I settle down and get my own.
I am very organised and love to keep the house clean. I have lived in the countryside my whole life so I am not afraid to do work outside and maintain your beautiful gardens and plants.
I am looking for a nice home where I could start my journey of building my own business so good Internet connection is very important for me!
I am more than happy to answer any of your questions and get on a call with you for us to get to know each other better!

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