Sofía e. d.

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CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Über Sofía e. d.

3 Jahre alt | Veterinaria

I am a veterinarian, firefighter and electromechanical technician, 27 years old. I am traveling with my disabled dog of two kilos (she has no front legs) and I am trying to bring my friend her puppies and her cat to Malta. They live inside the house so they behave well and are very calm, they get along with other animals. In order to enter the country, I need to spend a few days in Italy to avoid the 14-day quarantine in a hotel that is very expensive. I am very responsible and passionate about animals, I know their needs and I can help with training. I am independent, I love nature, animals and I can fix things around the house, general maintenance and adapt to what the owner needs. I only ask for a place to go so that I can reunite the family. With all the seriousness and responsibility that this implies. I have Italian citizenship and I was planning to travel in mid-December or January 2022.
If the pet to take care of will remain in Sicily, my friend would come for her pets before arriving at the house and it would only be your animal and I. As my family is Italian and I still do not know the country, it would be a beautiful opportunity to learn more about where I come from, even better if I get to do it in the countryside!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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