Elise & david g.

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Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Elise & david g.

46 Jahre alt | Life Coach & Photographer


We are Elise & David, a French-Swedish couple living in Berlin, Germany.

We are nature lovers and we enjoy working remotely to escape the city from time to time. As we also love taking care of pets, we find housesitting very exciting.

Elise grew up in the French countryside. She had a cat from an early age and would have ended up with an entire farm full of animals if her parents would have listened to her. We’re travelling too regularly to have a dog ourselves but we are lucky enough to dogsit our friend’s dog Thelma very often. David has been very fond of both cats and dogs since he was a kid and rediscovered with Thelma that he’s a really good dog daddy and thoroughly enjoys taking care of them. We miss her every time we have to give her back to our friend and we’re already dreaming of having our own dog one day!

David works as a photo and videographer and Elise as a life coach. As we both have jobs that allow us to work remotely, we will be home during the day. This way, we will respect your pets walking and food routine and they will have more than enough cuddles and care time! Elise also found out her productivity increases when she’s working while petting a cat on her lap.

After years traveling using Airbnb we have collected a few reviews from homeowners and are now happy to start working with Trusted Housesitters as well. You can have a look at our respective AirBnB profiles here:
David: https://www.airbnb.com/users/show/3917089
Elise: https://www.airbnb.com/users/show/10793165

When staying in someone else’s home, it is very important to us to respect the owner’s wishes and really take care of their home with the same care and attention that we give to our own. We often have guests staying in our home when we travel so we know how it feels like to let people you don't know into your house and the level of trust that it requires. David loves to keep our own home clean and tidy. Elise has had a garden for many years and loves taking care of it. We also both really enjoy taking care of our little plant-jungles at home so your plants will be in good green hands too.

We are hikers and love to walk in nature in our free time. We’ll be super happy to bring your dogs with us and make sure they have the right amount of exercise and fresh air.

We love the idea of experiencing a region in a local and authentic way. We’re also very happy we can help homeowners to enjoy their holidays, knowing their pets and t

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Elise, 31 Jahre alt, Life-Coach, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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