Irene Stockholm

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Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Irene Stockholm

61 Jahre alt | Retired | Allein

I have had beloved dogs of my own for years, and have also been the go to dog walker and kitty sitter for many of my neighbours and friends. . I am highly responsible and will treat your furbabies with much love and follow your instructions and routines to keep them happy. I am happy to take your dogs on as many walks as they would like. , I can appreciate also that leaving your home in the care of a stranger can be nerve wracking! I will treat your home with the same care I give my own. I am resourceful and can deal with most household minor "crises". I also love plants and gardens and would be happy to keep an eye on yours.I love traveling and have spent months abroad and found I can adapt well to new and challenging environments. My travels have given me many unique opportunities to experience different cultures and lifestyles and I can easily be comfortable in the city or the country and I get along well with everyone.I am a non smoker, never have used drugs, and enjoy only an occasional glass of wine at dinner. I am quiet and will not be disturbing your neighbour’s.Please feel free to ask me any questions I have not answered, we will both want to be comfortable with each other. I am also available to chat by phone anytime.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Russisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Nathan D.

London, United Kingdom - Januar 2024

Most importantly, Irene looked after our house and Whiskey (our dog) very well. She was dogsitting during New Years in Berlin, which is a very crazy time with lots of fireworks which our dog is terrified of, which can make walking him difficult but she managed to and adjusted, walking him earlier in the morning when it's quieter - that's great. We did feel slightly uneasy at times as we had some difficulties communicating. Irene arrived the evening before we left as we were leaving very early in the morning, which gave us the opportunity to show her the apartment and explain everything to her but we felt she was a bit dismissive rather than taking the time to listen and understand things that she later asked us about when we were away. All in all, she was a good dog and housesitter and left the house in great condition.

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