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Harrogate, England, United Kingdom

Über Josh/bianca

27 Jahre alt | Business Owner

About us... I'm Josh, a former musician, digital creator and fitness fanatic turned creative agency owner. I have worked and travelled with my partner Bianca for 4 years, visiting and working in 25 counties. Bianca is a bi-lingual social media business owner and full-time online yoga teacher. We both grew up with dogs and have a wealth of travel, life experience far greater than our tender ages of 25 and 27.

A bit into our back story, I was flown to Los Angeles with my band at the age of 15 by Johnny Depp’s record label. This kickstarted my band's musical journey. Fast forward many years and many UK tours later, we ended up supporting the Vamps on a UK Arena Tour playing to 120,000 people across 3 weeks.

During this time I had flown to Bali on a one-way flight to chase that wanderlust feeling I was craving. I made a travel documentary with my best friend, that later got picked up by Lumix UK and we were then made Travel Ambassadors of Lumix UK.

This led to the imminent formation of Dream Beach Media a creative and production agency specialising in the Travel, Lifestyle and Wellness markets. 4 more years on and we have won numerous international awards including a Gold award at the 2018 Travel Marketing Awards for Content Team of the year. Producing campaigns in more than 30 countries for the likes of MTV UK, Sea Legacy, Visit Malta, Panasonic, Tourism Western Australia, Visit Malta, Jet 2, STA Travel, IcelandAir, Selected Sessions, Covert and Universal Music Group,

And my wonderful partner Bianca, is half Sicilian, half Irish. She was born in Zimbabwe and raised across 8 countries, so her curiosity and enthusiasm for exploring the unknown stems from her childhood. She also graduated with a BA in French, Italian & European Studies from the University of Bath. Since then she has gathered over 10 years professional experience in copywriting, ghostwriting and journalism and 5 years in marketing and social media management.

In 2015, Bianca was the face of an international marketing campaign for the company Pot Noodle. She invented a product and showcased it at the Consumer Electronics Show 2016 in Las Vegas.

We are both fortunate enough to travel full-time and work from our laptops all around the world. This year we have decided to dedicate more time to helping others. We want to use our fortunate global flexibility to other peoples advantage.

We are always up for an adventure and where there's good WIFI we can be their!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Bianca Polizzi , 30 Jahre alt, Business Owner , Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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