Eniko v.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Über Eniko v.

32 Jahre alt | Data Engineer

My name is Eniko. I am a 29 year-old, cat-loving female. I'm originally from Hungary but I have spent the last 12 years living in England and Ireland.
I am a tech professional who just started a travel sabbatical. I am looking to experience various cultures, explore new locations and meet people all over the world.

By nature, I am a homebody who enjoys going for walks, reading, doing yoga and exploring my surrounding. I am responsible, trustworthy, tidy, non-smoker and fully vaccinated for Covid.

I will be a reliable and trustworthy house sitter, who you can count on to make sure your home and pets are well taken care of during your holiday.

I will treat your home with respect and ensure it is kept clean and tidy. I will water your plants and take very good care of your cats, providing them with plenty of attention. I will also keep you regularly posted with cute pictures of how your furry babies are doing while you are away.

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