Charles D.

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Boulder, Colorado, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Charles D.

67 Jahre alt | Professor | Als Paar/Duo

About Charles & Sean

We are two professionals with many years of experience traveling and house-sitting abroad. Charles was a full-time instructor at the University of Colorado, and now is editing scholastic and curricular materials for students. His poetry appears in literary journals in the US, the UK, and Australia. Sean is Senior Curriculum Designer for McGraw-Hill Publications. He has authored more than 45 books and hundreds of articles over the past 25 years.

Why we want to house sit

We are “digital nomads” – professionals who carry on our careers online while moving and living abroad. We love this life! Over many years of travel on six continents and 66 countries, we have found that living in others' homes and caring for their pets (and sometimes livestock), is a profound privilege that broadens and deepens our experience not only of that place and time (and those adorable companion animals), but of our own lives.

Our experience

Experienced as house-sitters:
Full-time house-sitters and digital nomads since 2012, we have house-sat and pet-sat more than 60+ lovely homes and estates in Europe and the UK, Latin America, the Caribbean, North America, and the Middle East.

Experienced with animal care:
• We have extensive experience raising, caring, treating, diagnosing, and humoring cats and dogs over many years. We adore them; they grow quite attached to us.
• We have extensive experience with farm animals, pet birds, and a variety of other pets (snakes, lizards, tortoises, rodents, even bees). Charles was raised on a quarter horse ranch and has years of experience in most aspects of equine (and some bovine) care.
• We have experience living cheerfully around wild animals. We have worked on scientific expeditions in several remote corners of the planet as assistants for wildlife biologists, geologists, marine biologists, and on archeological digs in wildlife preserves. In Colorado, our rental homes were high and remote, with few people but with neighbor bears, deer, coyotes, mountain lions, foxes, and many, many deer, etc.

Experienced living abroad:
• We have traveled in 66 countries on six continents.
• We are confident, well-educated, and experienced managers.
• We are aesthetes, appreciating and caring for others' belongings.
• We love animals and they love us.
• We are educated, open-minded, creative, easy-going, warm, and diligent.
• We are excellent communicators.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Sean, 61 Jahre alt, Senior Curriculum Designer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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