Sheron & Thomas

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Singapore, Singapore

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Über Sheron & Thomas

59 Jahre alt | Business Writer | Als Paar/Duo

We are a caring, fit, adventurous Canadian couple who have been house-sitting in different cultures for over ten years while working online as marketers and business writers.

We love animals and have been asked back to house/pet sit whenever our furry friends needed a sitter. We cared for a Canadian Ambassador's home and dog, and became "family". We've travelled around Africa, Latin and North America, Asia, and Europe.

We have references from a long list (60+) of happy homeowners from Belgium to Bangkok, including the Panamanian Ambassador to Canada, and the Costa Rican Ambassador to Panama and many more. We would encourage you to chat with them -- We may start out as strangers but we end up as friends!

We both love to travel, but we also miss pets and the feeling of being part of a community. In past house sits, neighbours, become good friends who stay in touch. We love that feeling of truly entering a culture, learning the language from the locals, eating like locals, and caring for lovely pets and homes.

Plus, Thomas is handy. He has built many homes, in both tropical and temperate climates, and he knows plumbing, electrics, pools, general maintenance, etc. Both of us have shared our lives with rescue dogs, cats, and even a rescue horse. Plus, in South Africa, we had a farm with horses, sheep, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, cats, dogs and koi. We know how to care for animals and we love to do it!

We have cared for a luxe oceanfront condo, an off-grid Caribbean cabin and boat, an island home in Mexico, an Ambassador’s Panamanian home, a Costa Rican 5-star guest house, and a surfer's B & B in Panama, complete with making both "Bs" every morning. From upscale to rustic, we'll take wonderful care of your home, and pets!

We will send you videos of your pets at play (or rest--if they're lazybones) and lots of photo updates!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Sheron Metcalf, 57 Jahre alt, Business Writer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Lokaler Kulturführer

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Jason p.

Paris, France - Juli 2021

Thomas et Sheron ont été formidables. Ils se sont très bien occupés de notre chat, ils nous ont donné des nouvelles tous les jours, ont été soucieux de sa santé. Je les remercie pour leur gentillesse et leur disponibilité. Je les recommande vivement, ils sont vraiment extraordinaires.

Juli 2021

We are so grateful to Thomas and Sheron! Thanks to them, we spent our holidays thoughtlessly. They kept us informed every day, sending us funny pictures of our beloved cats. When we came back home, we found it perfectly clean and… surprise! Fresh fruit and dinner were prepared, with a super nice picture of the cats. We completely trust them and in future, if they will be free, we would love to host them again. Grazie davvero, i nostri gatti sono stati tranquilli e la casa è stata tenuta benissimo. Siete i migliori!

Orla s.

Paris, France - April 2019

Sheron and Thomas were the perfect petsitters! The showered the animals with love and I received daily photos! Apart from that, they are also very kind in their review: both the clothes-washer AND the coffee-maker gave up the ghost on the very day before our departure! And Filou, who has always been in the prime of health, had to be given regular doses of medecine. I had every confidence in both Sheron and Thomas, and I strongly recommend them to other pet-owners. Moreover, the situation was a bit tricky as I was not able to put them up the evening before our departure (as guests were here), but they rented a place for a couple of days prior to our departure making a seemingly difficult situation ideally smooth... On peut y aller les yeux fermés, as we say in French!

Lucie C.

Le Pré-Saint-Gervais, France - März 2018

Allez y les yeux fermés. Ces gens sont formidables et nos chats en redemandent ! Nous ferons à nouveau appel à eux au besoin. Super !!

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