Erin m.

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Singapore, Singapore

Über Erin m.

42 Jahre alt | Design and innovation consultant

Hi! I'm a mid-30s Australian professional on a career sabbatical, taking some time out to travel the world. I've spent four years building a successful consulting business in Singapore, over a decade as a public servant and recently finished my graduate studies in Hong Kong. I am fascinated by people, politics and how different societies work.

I enjoy exploring new places to soak up the culture and history of wherever I am. You'll find me with a good book in a small, local coffee shop watching the world go by.

I'll mostly be travelling by myself, with a high degree of flexibility to choose where I go and when. I have had wonderful experiences offering my home for housesitting over the past four years on this site. Now I'm keen to try the other side, and get my fix of caring for furry companions while I travel.

I prefer to stay in the places I visit a little longer, live like a local and get a real feel for the place. I'm a dual AU/UK citizen, and speak fluent English and very rusty high school German.

You can find out more about me at LinkedIn: or Facebook:

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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