Richie g.

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San Fulgencio, Valencian Community, Spain

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen

Über Richie g.

60 Jahre alt | Aviation | Als Paar/Duo

Hi everyone we are a married couple who have both retired.Our lovely chocolate lab Charlie passed away in February 2021 so we are now travelling the world. We live on the Costa Blanca in Spain. We do a lot of travelling but please feel free to contact us anytime. If we can we will help out.
I believe people have started charging for this service. We never have and never will. Our aim is to look after your pets and home the way we look after our own so you can have complete peace of mind.
We will always provide updates if that is what you require. Rest assured we will always have your pets best interests at the heart of everything we do.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Margaret, 74 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Sumaya a.

Lectoure, France - September 2024

What a wonderful encounter with Margaret and Richie. We had such a great time on the first day, played Uno, (my three year daughter beat us all) and we had a nice dinner. We left our home with much serenity thanks to you both. You took such great care of our dogs and of our home, we thank you so very much for being such wonderful and caring people. Reveur and Oona were in great shape and all our plants healthy and well. Please come visit us soon, our home is always open to you both :) Sumaya Julien and Selma

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