Arnica r.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Arnica r.

47 Jahre alt | Veterinarian / Wine consultant

Warm greetings! Jason is a veterinarian, and I Arnica am a wine consultant. Along with our delightful 16 year old twin girls, we are traveling on sabbatical through Europe and Africa, August 2022 through January 2023. We are currently looking for a house sit outside the EU for January 2023.

At home in Canada we have a lovely home ourselves, with an extensive vegetable garden and grape vines, three dogs, a cat, three chickens, and we work hard to take care of thousands of cat and dog veterinary patients.

The purpose of our trip is to spend time with our children and show them the world before they fly from the nest. En route, we are delighted to take care of your furry and feathered families, as we are all animal lovers, and to get to know the way of life in different countries. As I am a wine writer we are focussing traveling to countries that have interesting wine regions. We would love to come take care of your home, and experience your way of life.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jason, 47 Jahre alt, Veterinarian , Ehepartner / Partner
Acacia, 18 Jahre alt, Student, Kind
Simone, 18 Jahre alt, Student, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Uschi a.

Bouniagues, France - Januar 2023

une rencontre merveilleuse avec une famille extrèmement sympathique, intéressante, nous avons été très heureux de faire leur connaissance et espérons sincèrement garder le contact. Nos animaux aussi , nous les avons retrouvé épanouis, sereins, en pleine forme. Je recommande cette famille absolument

Rachael s.

Lancaster, United Kingdom - Oktober 2022

Arnica, Jason and the girls were lovely people who cared for our animals, home and garden as if they were their own. Our animals were disappointed when we came back. We were sorry not to spend more time with them and could not recommend them highly enough.

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